Gather all your ingredients.
Whisk Tamari, Shao Xing and Mirin together. Pour over pork and coat. Marinate at least 30 minutes.
Soak pancit in cool water 10 minutes.
Heat large wok or pot to high heat with peanut oil. Lightly dust pork with Asian seasoning. Add pork,stir fry 1 minute (pork will cook more later) Remove.
Adding scant more oil, reduce heat slightly, sauté onion 2 minutes, add garlic for a minute longer. Add carrots, pea pods, cabbage, and celery leaves. Sauté 2-3 minutes.
Add stock, simmer for 5 minutes.
Place meats, and simmer 2-3 minutes.
Remove ingredients leaving liquid and set aside.
Add soy sauce to liquid and whisk well.
Add pancit, cook until liquid evaporates completely
Return removed contents, add seasoning, simmer two minutes.
Garnish with scallions.
Pancit is great for a meal prep week.
Sometimes it's quicker to prepare chicken for a recipe than it is to drive to the store and buy a rotisserie chicken. And a lot cheaper. If you have any type of steamer. Season your chicken and Steam Sear it.
1. Season chicken with desired seasonings, or just your Counter Seasoning if you don't have a specific use for it yet.
2. Steam until just finished. About 20-25 minutes for most steamers. (check your steamer's guide")
3. Remove and cool slightly.
4. Grill on grill or Sear in cast iron until outside is well seared.
5. Let cool and prep as needed.
TIP: Use as close to authentic ingredients as possible for best results.
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