"a bar nothing ranch exclusive, with side recipes"

Cook eggs over indirect HOT heat 6 1/2 minutes.
Place directly into an ice-cold water bath and let cool. Gently peel under running cold water.
Mash yolks until a fine crumble. Add rest of ingredients in Devils in the Details and mix until well combined.
With egg whites on a serving platter, fill with yolk mixture.
Garnish with garnishes or favorite garnish
Place peeled eggs in a large container or jar. Add maple syrup and sweet bbq sauce, gently combine well. Let stand 12 hours
Cook eggs over indirect HOT heat 6 1/2 minutes.
Place directly into an ice-cold water bath and let cool. Gently peel under running cold water.
Mash yolks until a fine crumble. Add rest of ingredients in Devils in the Details and mix until well combined.
With egg whites on a serving platter, fill with yolk mixture.
Garnish with garnishes or favorite garnish
Place peeled eggs in a large container or jar. Add maple syrup and sweet bbq sauce, gently combine well. Let stand 12 hours