"bacon wrapped, brie stuffed, deeply spiced prawns in butter and duck fat, finished in Terrebonne Parish reduction"

Place prawns in rosé about 10 minutes before you begin.
Have a cast iron skillet for cooking prawns, and a nonstick skillet for finishing in sauce.
With peeled and deveined prawns, place frozen brie along top of prawn and squeeze. Tightly wrap bacon around prawn slightly overlapping to wrap entire prawn. Place down as to keep it intact. (image is of jumbo shrimp, not prawns)
In a cast iron skillet, heat duck fat over medium high heat, add butter to melt.
Season one side of prawns with Cavender's, Triple Blast and then Feux, pressing in slightly.
Once fats are heated, place prawns in; seasoned side down. Mindful of the hot fats. Season other side the same way. Cook until bacon is just crisped. Turn and let crisp on other side, and top if needed.
Finish in medium heated nonstick skillet with scant amount of peanut oil. Adding Terrebonne Sauce liberally. Gently moving as to not stick. Flip, re-sauce until sauce is thickened well. Place on glass or porcelain plate (do not place on paper towel)
And whatever you do, do not cook the remaining sauce down until reduced by 2/3, shake pan to spread, remove from heat and cool, then peel it off to cooling rack in the fridge for a couple hours, then break it into fin pieces and garnish a ramakin of panna cotta. Do not do that.
Place prawns in rosé about 10 minutes before you begin.
Have a cast iron skillet for cooking prawns, and a nonstick skillet for finishing in sauce.
With peeled and deveined prawns, place frozen brie along top of prawn and squeeze. Tightly wrap bacon around prawn slightly overlapping to wrap entire prawn. Place down as to keep it intact. (image is of jumbo shrimp, not prawns)
In a cast iron skillet, heat duck fat over medium high heat, add butter to melt.
Season one side of prawns with Cavender's, Triple Blast and then Feux, pressing in slightly.
Once fats are heated, place prawns in; seasoned side down. Mindful of the hot fats. Season other side the same way. Cook until bacon is just crisped. Turn and let crisp on other side, and top if needed.
Finish in medium heated nonstick skillet with scant amount of peanut oil. Adding Terrebonne Sauce liberally. Gently moving as to not stick. Flip, re-sauce until sauce is thickened well. Place on glass or porcelain plate (do not place on paper towel)
And whatever you do, do not cook the remaining sauce down until reduced by 2/3, shake pan to spread, remove from heat and cool, then peel it off to cooling rack in the fridge for a couple hours, then break it into fin pieces and garnish a ramakin of panna cotta. Do not do that.